New Music: Otis Freestyle – Busta Rhymes & DMX

Ok… It’s mad cliche for a whole bunch of artists to come out and rip a track.  It happens every so often.  There’s always one or two that seem to go over and beyond the bar set by the original.  We’re not here to say who’s the best and who’s garbage…. BUT..  Kanye’s Otis beat has attracted all types.

This one right here though, this one right here is something for the mainstream cats and Hip Hop enthusiasts alike.  Busta Rhymes and DMX teamed up on this one to really do some damage.  What do you think?

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Ha… that was just the teaser.  Here’s the track.

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There is one comment on New Music: Otis Freestyle – Busta Rhymes & DMX

  • I love Busta and DMX, but not loving the track. I know people trying to do something different. I think they sound better that Jay and Kanye, BUT, that sample of Otis Redding was NOT the bizness.

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